Remotely manage your Multi-Site QNAP Devices with AMIZ Cloud

QNAP has been actively promoting AMIZ Cloud lately. They unveiled it during Computex, and there's been a lot of marketing buzz around this product. Let's break it down in simple terms.

AMIZ Cloud is similar to Q'Center, which is a tool for managing multiple NAS devices. But there's a key difference – AMIZ Cloud lets you manage both NAS and QuCPE devices (QuCPE must be in cloud mode, but we'll get into that later), also AMIZ Cloud runs in the cloud and requires no manual setup. In contrast, Q'Center is an on-premise solution that needs manual configuration.

Requirement for Amiz Cloud

To setup you need to have the following

  • an account on
  • an Organization on
  • A NAS Running on QuTS 5.1.0 or QTS 5.1.0. Or a QuCPE device ( set to cloud management mode)
  • QNAPcloud app logged in on your device , with Amiz Cloud agent enabled

Creating accounts a one-time task. Once you've done it, you can connect all your devices to AMIZ Cloud. These devices are organized by organizations, which is why you need to create an organization account as well. After enabling the AMIZ Cloud agent, your device will automatically appear in AMIZ Cloud, and you won't need to do any additional configuration.

Hierarcy - Organization -> Site -> Device

This image shows the hierarchy of how NAS is organized.

  • At the top of the hierarchy is the organization (managed by Owner)
  • Under Organization you can have multiple sites ( managed by Site owners)
  • Under Site, you can have multiple devices ( Managed by Administrators)

Management Capabilities of Amiz Cloud

All your NAS Devices and your QuCPE devices can be managed remotely.

You can deploy, clone and manage your VMS to any NAS remotely. Also any Container can also be deployed, copied and managed remotely.

Amiz Cloud is free ( for Now )

Yes, you heard correctly. Just like myQNAPcloud, Amiz Cloud is currently free. However, it's worth noting that this is an enterprise-level product, unlike myQNAPcloud. So, in the future, QNAP may decide to start charging a fee for Amiz Cloud, but for now, it's available at no cost. I would like to see an Amiz cloud agent for Windows servers also, so you can manager your windows servers also remotely with a single product.

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